3.8 特殊字段处理




3.8.1 创建时间戳


class Vendor_Model_Foo extends Vendor_Sql_Model
    public function _setup()
        // use a column called "first_added" as the created timestamp column
        $this->_created_col = 'first_added';

3.8.2 更新时间戳


class Vendor_Model_Foo extends Vendor_Sql_Model
    public function _setup()
        // use a column called "last_changed" as the updated timestamp column
        $this->_updated_col = 'last_changed';

3.8.3 自动数列


class Vendor_Model_Foo extends Vendor_Sql_Model
    public function _setup()
        // when "bar" is empty, popualate it with the next value
        // from the sequence "zim"
        $this->_sequence_cols['bar'] = 'zim';
        // when "dib" us empty, populate it with the next value
        // from the sequence also called "dib"
        $this->_sequence_cols[] = 'dib';

3.8.4 PHP序列化


class Vendor_Model_Foo extends Vendor_Sql_Model
    public function _setup()
        // the column 'user_prefs' should be serialized on save,
        // and unserialized on retrieval
        $this->_serialize_cols[] = 'user_prefs';

3.8.5 XML 结构


class Vendor_Model_Foo extends Vendor_Sql_Model
    public function _setup()
        // the column 'xmldata' should be converted to a Solar_Struct_Xml
        // object on retrieval, and back to XML on save
        $this->_xmlstruct_cols[] = 'xmldata';