1.4. 配置系统

  1. 打开SYSTEM/config.php文件,在该文件末尾的return语句之前,给文件中的$config数组添加新键值。

  2. 查找前端控制器配置项,并通过修改“classes”键指向的值来指定应用类名的前缀。

    // front controller
    $config['Solar_Controller_Front'] = array(
        'classes' => array('Acme_App', 'Solar_App'),
        // ...
        'explain' => true,


  3. 查找模型目录配置项,并指定应用类名的前缀。

    // model catalog
    $config['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] = array('Acme_Model');
  4. 给$config数组添加新元素,指定应用所使用的SQL适配器,并做相关配置。


    // the SQL adapter class to use
    $config['Solar_Sql']['adapter'] = 'Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite';
    // configure the SQL adapter class
    $config['Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite'] = array(
        'name' => "$system/sqlite/acme.sq3",  // the database file to use



    // the SQL adapter class to use
    $config['Solar_Sql']['adapter'] = 'Solar_Sql_Adapter_Mysql';
    // configure the SQL adapter class
    $config['Solar_Sql_Adapter_Mysql'] = array(
        'host' => 'localhost', // the database server host
        'name' => 'database',  // the database name
        'user' => 'username',  // authenticate as this user
        'pass' => 'password',  // authenticate with this password

    对于PostgreSQL,用Solar_Sql_Adapter_Pgsql 替换适配器名及配置项的键名。


 * project overrides

// front controller
$config['Solar_Controller_Front'] = array(
    'classes' => array('Acme_App', 'Solar_App'),
    'disable' => array(),
    'default' => 'hello',
    'rewrite' => array(),
    'routing' => array(),
    'explain' => true,

// model catalog
$config['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] = array('Acme_Model');

// the SQL adapter class to use
$config['Solar_Sql']['adapter'] = 'Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite';

// configure the SQL adapter class
$config['Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite'] = array(
    'name' => "$system/sqlite/acme.sq3",  // the database file to use

 * done!
return $config;