3.6 创建、修改、保存记录

3.6.1 创建新记录


// a new blog record with default values
$new_blog = $model->blogs->fetchNew();

// a new blog record with specified values
$new_blog = $model->blogs->fetchNew(array(
    'title' => 'New Title Text',
    'body'  => '(insert body here)',


3.6.2 修改一条记录


 * @var Solar_Sql_Model_Record $item The result of fetchNew() or fetchOne(),
 * or a record from a collection.

// modify the properties individually:
$item->title = 'Another Title';
$item->body  = 'Different body text';

// or modify them via load().
$data = array(
    'status' => 'draft',
    'title'  => 'Another Title',
    'body'   => 'Different body text',


// only load certain properties. useful for loading only
// specific values from a data source, e.g. $_POST.
$whitelist = array('title', 'body');
$item->load($data, $whitelist);

3.6.3 保存一条记录





 * @var Solar_Sql_Model_Record $item The result of fetchNew() or fetchOne(),
 * or a record from a collection, and thereafter modified.

// attempt to save the record.
$success = $item->save();

// did it work?
if (! $success) {
    // no, something was not valid
    $invalid = $item->getInvalid();
    foreach ($invalid as $property => $message) {
        echo htmlspecialchars($property) . ' is not valid: '
           . htmlspecialchars($message) . '<br />';
    // or you can get the internal exception
    // that caused the save to fail.
    echo $item->getSaveException();
} else {
    // yes, it worked
    echo 'Saved!';


 * @var Solar_Sql_Model_Record $item The result of fetchNew() or fetchOne(),
 * or a record from a collection.

// incoming data
$data = array(
    'status' => 'draft',
    'title'  => 'Another Title',
    'body'   => 'Different body text',

// only load these properties
$whitelist = array('title', 'body');

// load and save the record in one call
$success = $item->save($data, $whitelist);

// did it work?
if (! $success) {
    // ...
} else {
    // yes, it worked
    echo 'Saved!';